Until this week, I was a 0-feedback seller, then sold 9 items in my first two days of selling, so I appreciate the confidence 8 different buyers put in me. I have already received one positive feedback. One of the buyers asked for full contact info so he could do due diligence, which I gladly provided.
My question relates to sellers providing feedback to buyers. At what time is it appropriate to give a buyer feedback? I was fortunate that all of my sales were paid almost instantaneously by PayPal, so I shipped same day. I'd like to give all buyers positive feedback for that, but not all items have been received yet, (because they are still in transit.) It could be that any of these buyers may find fault with something I sold and the relationship could turn sour.
Should I wait until an item is delivered and give the buyer a few days to raise issues before I leave feedback? What is the norm for this, please?
Thank you.
My question relates to sellers providing feedback to buyers. At what time is it appropriate to give a buyer feedback? I was fortunate that all of my sales were paid almost instantaneously by PayPal, so I shipped same day. I'd like to give all buyers positive feedback for that, but not all items have been received yet, (because they are still in transit.) It could be that any of these buyers may find fault with something I sold and the relationship could turn sour.
Should I wait until an item is delivered and give the buyer a few days to raise issues before I leave feedback? What is the norm for this, please?
Thank you.