Sim Audio W-5 Fuse blew half way on the pre amp

My w-5 stopped working after cranking it just past half volume on my pre amp, why would this happen, I hope there is no damage on my w-5, any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I used to have a W5 that would shut off when I would turn the volume high while playing a record. I was using an Audio Research SP10 for my preamp. It was so frustrating I sold the Sim. I felt that I did not have a proper impedence match between my phono stage in the SP10 and the Sim. I had no problems however when listening at high volumes with cd playback.
The fuse blew while listing to a cd at high volumes and it is frustrating, i am wondering if it has a negative effect on the amp when the fuse blows and would it be ok to put a lager fuse so this doesn't happen again, any comments would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Blowing a fuse does not sound good. Fuses are there to protect the electronics. Does it always happen when the volume is turned 1/2 way? If so something is wrong. On the other hand I have seen bad fuses although extremely rare. Also the fuse that blew was it a clear glass one which you could see it was blown? I ask because I fix computers for a living and have been doing it for 30+ years and you can sometimes tell by the way it blew how bad the problem is.

If after replacing the fuse everything is fine going past 1/2 way again I would not worry too much unless it happens again.
Interestingly enough I had a Cary V12 that exhibited the same behaviour.
It was a 3amp slo blow fuse,left channel that blew at high volumes.A Cary tech advised going to a 4 amp slo blow.That did the trick.As a precaution and for warranty purposes you may want to check with your amp manufacturer.