which non ARC poweramp do you use with ARC REF 3

Which non ARC poweramp do you use with ARC REF 3 and why .I will start myself , in the Netherlands you can 't make an audition for the REF 210 or 610 as no dealer has this gear in house.You simply have to order special for you at the importer if you would own one .So I will believe the poweramps are as good as the importer promisses , but I had the "luck "to try at my own home the BAT VK 1000 monblocks, and they stayed here.I listen with the CD7 , PH5 and B & W 800N loudspeakers.
I had great success pairing my ARC Ref 3 with a BAT VK-75SE, especially once I had the BAT modified by Bob Backert.

If the ARC's output impedence is low enough, I imagine it would work with a variety of amps. Shouldn't you be asking the question more what amp works with your speakers? I'd think that is harder to get the synergy right.

Best, Peter
I'd be interested to see whether more people have tried Krell. I don't have ARC gear myself but I witnessed a presentation that went slightly amiss and I have been wondering why that should have been the case. In this particular instance, a Krell Evo 402 substituted the originally programmed ARC REF 110 amp to accompany the ARC REF 3, as the organizer considered the ARC not powerful enough to fill a large acoustically damped hotel conference room with a few dozen people in it. When the music got loud (as in very LOUD!), I noticed what seemed like distortion. Speakers were the new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario (rest of the system, see thread: World of Hifi in Wiesbaden). So I wonder, don't ARC and Krell "like" each other electrically?
Believe or not I will replace Boulder 810 with ARC Ref 3. And the poweramp is Krell Evo 402. They will fall in love together I guess because interconnect will be re-calibrated Transparent Ref mm2 interconnect. Makes sense?

I very recently replaced my ML 334 (soon to be sold, hopefully) with the Luxman MQ-88 to go with my ARC REF 3. I am thrilled with the result. I auditioned other amps (Ayre, Accuphase, Bryston) as well as some ARC power amps, but they did not approach or equal the MQ-88. The MQ-88 is giving me the warmth and musicality I have come to crave from tube gear AND the detail and punch/slam of a good SS amp. I am one happy camper! The only thing I heard that was distinctly better than the MQ-88 was Shindo gear, which is unfortunately beyond my budget for now.