Why do my ears ring with my new amplifier?

I just changed integrated amplifiers on January 2, 2015. I went from an Audio Research DSi200 to a Simaudio 600i. I'm running a Lumin A1 Network Streamer and Dynaudio C1 speakers. Those haven't changed. I'm also in the same 10' x 12' room.

My setup sounds great when I'm outside of my room. When I walk in and sit down, my ears start ringing.

I don't think that the high frequencies are the problem. Is this too much bass energy in the room, too much sound pressure, or what do you think?

Does anyone have a suggestion on what's needed to correct this problem?

My guess is you're turning it up subconsciously because it lacks bass, and the ringing is due to odd-order harmonic distortion. Once the amp has broken in properly it might get a bit better, but 100 hours is usually enough to know if it's going to be an ongoing issue.
"I was grasping at straws to see if the system sounded better/worse with headphones; maybe more neutral by eliminating the room. A separate issue from the ringing I guess."

Its certainly worth a try just to see what happens, but not only would you be eliminating the room with headphones, but the amp, speakers, some of the cables, and possibly the preamp depending on where the headphone amp is.
"I don't think that the high frequencies are the problem."

You may not think HF's are the problem but I think you might be mistaken. A funny thing happened to me a while back when I listened to a DIY Class D amp. Initially, the first 5 minutes it sounded all right but certainly not perfect, transparency was amazing but.....after about 15 minutes I started getting a headache. I'm not being sarcastic, this really happened. The problem immediately went away when I replaced the amp. The REAL dilemna was I never could figure out what was causing the headache. The same amp in the owner's system didn't do this.

If you're not listening too loud, which could certainly cause ringing, you most certainly have an issue with the upper frequencies. The cause is less clear but it could include the amp/speaker interface, most likely IMHO. Room treatments and speaker placement may help ameliorate the issue. It's tough to tell without knowing everything. Do you have any audio buddies or a wife that could chime in with their opinion? It might help narrow things down a bit.
I've face this problem a few times, I think because of listening too loud, some amp is too detailed and transparent ,there are too much detail in the front row , you have to turn up the volume to try to hear the dept in the back row and also to distinguish the singer. The bass energy surge when volume is up , I've to see doctor twice, I think this amp doesn't suit you, you dial up the volume because you donot find it involving , just my thought.