Audio Horizons TB 5.0n Tube Buffer ???

Do these really make a Solid State system sound more tube-like ?
Well sorta,but the bottom line is you're just adding another link in the chain,not to mention more cabling.If you're thinking tubes,consider a tube pre amp.
I currently own the TB5.0 Tube Buffer and while it is true that it does not transform a solid state preamp into a reference qualilty tube preamp, it does provide a significant improvement in the the areas of tonal quality, harmonics, decay and general smoothness. As for the extra interconnects and circuitry, there is slight loss in detail and information but if you use good quality interconnects this loss is hard to hear. It has significantly improved every solid state preamp (X-1, ML380s, AVP-2, Krell, etc.) I have owned. It has made these preamps much more musical and enjoyable while still maintaining each of their strengths. Furthermore, with only two relatively inexpensive tubes to replace it is much less expensive to use over a long period than many highend tube preamps with multiple high cost tubes. In addition, this tube buffer sounds pretty good after only about 30 mins warm up time, while most tube preamps need hours if not days warm up to sound decent. I love the convience of my ML380s with remote control of volume, source switching and programing, etc. but wanted more tube warmth and naturalness and this Tube Buffer really delivered.
That's a lot money for just a tube buffer, I'm wondering if the much cheaper Yaqin or Grant Fidelity tube buffers are just as good as the Audio Horizons...the Grant Fidelity b283 is getting a lot of raves lately