Audia amplifiers- comments?

I am very interested in these amps from Italy. Has anyone had experience with them? From what I see they look like solid, no non sense amps with huge power supplies, Class A operation, wide band width operation and good looks.

How do they sound compare to other amps on the market- Bryston, Krell, and the like.

the finest 'sound' i've heard out of italy, is for audia, i've heard the integrated only...nothing to write home about compared to the bryston.
Audia has a very refined sound with tremendous bass response. Smooth yet extended highs and lows. I've owned Krell KAS2, FPB series (numerous), Goldmund, Brinkmann and a slew of other exotic amps. Still own Lamm amps. Audia is an excellent amp for its second-hand price. Well made, wide bandwidth, silent. I still have the Flight 100 and would use it if I still had speakers it could power (which is most everything except what I have now).
Let me ask what is the exact SPEC on the amp of "Wide Bandwidth" nature? I guess I am confused on what the term is actually being used for "Wide bandwidth" oppossed to just standard frequency bandwidth. I own amps and have had others that are also called this, but seems most are pretty standard specs.