SS. amp. for vandersteen 3A-signatures

I am looking for a SS. amp. to drive a pair of Vandersteen 3a-signatures, and also go well with a Aesthetix Calypso pre amp. Trying to stay in a price range no more then $2000. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You

Hasn't Vandy been traditionally mated with Audio Research?

My brother drives his 3A Sigs with an AR 100.2 solid state amp and loves it. The only thing he'd say he might do is add another at some point.

But, I see ARC has the SD & HD series SS amps now and they could be a substantial step up from that decades old design.
I have the A21 paired up with the 3A sigs. and I like it very much. I have not compared it to other amps so I can not say if something is better. I can say it works and sounds good in my system.
Set up my new 3A Signatures that I bought from a fellow a-goner. The TAD-125 monos work wonderful at $1300 for a pair. i believe that RussB had a max of 2000.