Integrated Help

I'm looking into purchasing a new integrated amp. Right now I've got a Rotel 1062 with Infinity 3500 (4 ohm) speakers. Source is a VPI Scout/10x5 with EAR 834P. I listen to mostly rock--not classic, more punk, new wave, indie, etc.

I like the sound/idea of tubes, but I'm worried about warm up time. I usually only have an hour or two a day to listen to the stereo, so letting tubes warm up for an hour or something is not convenient. Or should I not be concerned about this?

Second, does anyone have any integrated recommendations in the $1500 range used?

I should also say that I don't plan on keeping these speakers forever, though they do sound great. I would hope to upgrade in the next year or so, but I'd like to do the amp first.
Unison Unico are very nice hybrid amps. I use it for mostly Jazz, but occasional rock. I got tired of the ear fatigue with my Rotel seperates, and so decided on a Tube hybrid. You can usually find an 80W version here for under a grand. Do a search on them.
jolida 1501 used,,,,500 to 600 dollars...also a good contact is, he usually has them on demo or you can find plenty on sale on gon, i owned one with vandersteen speakers and it rocked.....100watts tube pre amp, hybrid, remote and looks goods , weighs like a tank and sounds brainer.....hybrid...i also like the unison....either one is good, but the jolida is more beefy where the unison is a little more detailed, jolida rocks in hybrid for rock...
Sinisterporpoise68, the A5 is a later MF model than the A308. It delivers 250 w/ch into 8 ohms compared to 150 w/ch by the A308 along with higher peak to peak current. On the plus side for the A308, it provides both mm and mc phono input as opposed to just mm on the A5. They are both excellent amps and would have no problems driving most any speakers so won't be a problem when you decide to upgrade speakers.
Thanks Hens. It looks like the A5 is the better option then. Looks better too. Could you tell me, does the A5 have any way of changing speaker balance? My current speakers are slightly unbalanced (either that, or my hearing is). Also, does it have a standby mode so that you're not turning it completely off all the time?
Unfortunately, the answer to both questions is "no". There is no balance control, although this not so unusual - this is a very rare feature on integrateds these days. I don't find the power on/off much of an issue - the amp doesn't get hot and doesn't take long to get up to running temp when switched on from cold and sounds excellent from cold anyway.