Nuforce step up from Sunfire for B&W 803N?

Have Sunfire TGA5200, which does 5 x 200/400wpc into 8/4 ohms, powering B&W N803. Looking at adding separate 2 channel amp for possible SQ upgrade for fronts. Is the Nuforce 9v2SE for the front two channels an upgrade? It's only rated at 190/300wpc but obviously power isn't everything, and I've heard that it has awesome bass and great clarity. However, the disparity does concern me a little as the N803's really need stable power into 2-3ohms. Would pair with tube pre, which I'm also looking into to upgrade over HT pre/pro. Just to add one more clarification, if anyone starts adding other amp suggestions, amp needs to run cool and be less than 5" high, which kind of limits me to Class D. Thanks much...Jeff
Tvad, you are absolutely right about the diving in part. I've been researching preamps for some time and have been waffling between Dodd, Modwright 9 or 36.5 and now the new Isabella from Red Wine (although no HT passthru, as well as VTL and BAT. Man, it's hard to make that decision, and it may just come down to what's available at a good price on the gon. No used 36.5's or Dodd's or Isabella's right now, so I'm kinda holding tight. As for the Nuforce, yeah, I did try to reach out to one seller but he never replied. However, starting to think the Spectron may be the way to go, but it's a lot of cash. For goodness sake, all I want is some bass slam, tight but visceral bass, crystal clear highs, shimmer and sparkle, and all those great "tube-like" qualities I've been hearing so much about like presence, you-are-thereness, air, musicality, like you are in the middle of the stage. And all for around 4-5k. Why can't this be easier, LOL?!?!?
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