I ask again, has anyone heard the Tempo El.Preamp?

I have been hearing about it for five years, and it now seems to be available.
Tvad, I am now a reviewer. I will soon be getting the Exemplar XP-2. Indeed, I have yet to hear anything close to the H-Cat, especially in its X8 form. I have had my Acapella LaCompanellas for some time now and always continue to look for better speakers.

Do you still have the same system you had two years ago?
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Tvad, I am equally curious why you would find my questions curious and do think my question is relevant. I have owned at least 30 line stages or preamps in 40 years involved in audio with probably three quarters of them tube units. I own probably 2000 vacuum tubes mainly as replacements of tubes in those units.

My interest in the Tempo has nothing to do with my satisfaction with the H-Cat. It is just the continuing quest for perfect reproduction. Certainly some 40 years ago when I got a ARC SP-3 preamp, I thought it was perfection, and I did have it for 5 years, only to get a SP-6A which was a piece of crap.

I cannot believe given the experiences of my many friends in audio, that you have the same system today that you had two years ago.
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Tvad, your welcome, but why did you find this so curious? Certainly, you also are on such a quest.