H2O Audio Owners

I'm buying a S250 amp and a Fire preamp from Henry and wanted to hear from people the own the his equipment.I would like to know what brand power cords,interconnects and speaker cables are you using with his gear.Thanks
Don't get him started again.

Just read any of muralman's other threads. Everything is the same.

nos, scintillas, h20, home made speaker cables, my system is best, ad nauseum.

Souphero, the restored Scintillas will sound almost just like the older ones on any amp capable of running well at 1 ohm, and that is a precious few. A lot of folks are enjoying them. With say, a Krell, the top gains a bit of pepper. That's nice for a sleepy class A amp.

With my amps, the salsa on top turns into tobasco. Any instrument with a sharp report was a painful listen. Zakir Hussain playing his tabla sounded all the like of lead pipes smacking each other.

It has nothing to do with, "Tired ribbons," a retort I hear too often. Henry Ho has freshly ribboned Scintillas, only with natural Apogee ribbons. His sound like mine.
Audiofeil, [dealer] what are you doing here? You don't own the H2O. You are just a spoiler.
I can attest that the H20 Fire is a wonderful preamp.

I've spent the past year auditioning many preamps and as far as solid state goes, I haven't found anything better. The Fire is incredibly musical, warm and fully fleshed out, with wonderful extended highs.
Over a year ago, I had a chance to play with Henry's prototype version of the Fire. I still regard it as one of the best solid state pre-amplifiers I've happened across south of the 10k mark.

It's worth noting that his Signature 100 amp is awesome. To be honest, its one of the only class D amps (and the only ICE amp) that I hold in high regard.

All in all, Henry makes some damned fine gear. I just wish that he'd put at least a hint of effort into creating something tha resembles an established business model, instead of holding the "lone man working in his garage when he can" image.