The thing is... it sounds perfect when I run my DAC directly into my AMP.
OK, so.. here's what I just did:
I didn't use my other amp (integrated) simply because I didn't have the right terminals on my speaker wire. I did, however, use it solely as a pre-amp feeding my amp (whereas the pre-amp I have been using was a little passive w/ volume control).
Using my older integrated as a pre-amp, the noise was MUCH MUCH worse. Again, it was primarily in the right channel.
I switched the RCA's connected at the back of my power-amp, and sure enough, the distortion completely switched channels as well. So, we know it isn't a malfunction on the part of the amp I suppose.
It must be line interference somehow... I really don't get it still.
I'm now going to try connecting my amp chassis to the ground on my temporary pre-amp.