Strange ground loop...?


I just hooked up a new amp and I'm having a strange noise issue. Only in my right channel, I get this high-pitched whine... maybe around 2khz. My left channel is dead silent.

The problem seems to be an interaction between my DAC and my amp. If the DAC is off, the amp is silent.

The amp is an 84' yamaha, so the cord has no ground. There is a ground screw, though, and I have connected that to my power conditioner, hoping this would solve it... nope.

I've tried plugging the amp straight into the same outlet that the power conditioner is plugged into (into which the DAC is plugged in). That actually did work... but I don't want to run my amp straight into the wall.

I suspect I just need to find a proper place to run that ground wire...

Any ideas?
I do have everything plugged into the same outlet. It's all on a power conditioner, actually. I think the confusion there arose when I was switching my power plugs around everywhere to see if that would make a difference.

I tried grounding the DAC to the pre-amp chassis earlier but it didn't seem to make the slightest bit of difference. The screws on my DAC are really small, but I made pretty good contact with them.

So, even though LC-1 cables use shield as a return, I still shouldn't have this problem? What exactly does it mean to use shield as return?
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Alright... I took the DAC and hooked it up in a separate system on a separate circuit (only using the same LC-1 cable) annnd the noise was still there. Why it would disappear when going direct to my amp (as well as my old integrated) is a mystery to me.