Krell FPB 400CX, Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII

Hey Guys,

I just got a new pair of Revel Gems and was wondering what amp you thought would be a better choice in my system. I have a placette passive linestage, wadia 7 transport going into a levinson 30.5 DAC and hopefully a nice turntable soon, oh and a Revel B15 sub. I know these amps are pretty different Krell is huge class A and the Bel Cantos are tiny(in size not power) class D.

Any thoughts would be great.

Apples and oranges: my choice is Krell but in your system you may prefer the Bel.

I am not convinced passive pre is the way go with either however. The Krell will benefit from a quality active pre, especially a KCT via CAST. Otherwise you will not get all the performance possible out of the 400cx. I must reveal that my set up is a KCT CAST connected into a 400cx so I am biased IMO.
Class D (code word for cheap amplification aka dumbed down) is no comparison for Class A IMHO:O)
Class D is an evolving technology. There are some outstanding Class D products on the market.

People who deny this are simply inexperienced and/or dumb.

You'll see them posting here and in other threads.
Chauncey, the only way to know is to give them a try. You'll find plenty of anti Class D tee shirts around but in my recent auditions of products using this technology i find good reason for people to serious consider products by the likes of Jeff Rowland, Bel Canto etc.