nobody talks about BAT anymore?

Want to know any feedback on VK32 frm any owner but seemsno one is talking, reviewing their great product anymore?

What happen to the company?
Post removed 
I am in agreement on the postings that are completely ridiculous questions...when someone has a legitimate question, different story.
One other thing and I will leave it alone, I think all of this comes down to COMMON COURTESY, not that it has to do with anyone being thin skinned. It seems like everywhere you turn now common courtesy has been lost. I'm done, sorry if I took this thread over.
I sure hope that everyone doesn't agree with everything said on Audiogon. That would be downright boring! We ought to be able to distinguish vigorous debate from insults.
Good natured teasing is as much a part of this site as audio talk. Sometimes the forum is a bit rough but it is also equally helpful. Take the good with the bad and don't make yourself a victim.