Cayin A-88t vs. Almarro A318B

Both these are integrated amps that get wonderful reviews.

Anyone ever heard both? Which did you prefer?

I'm going to pair it with Acoustic Zen Adagios
I often wondered about that myself. I guess alot of listeners like the SET sound as traditional. I prefer the best of both worlds.
Very lush mids, extended airy highs, and a solid tight bass.
I guess that covers it.
As James Hatfield said, "More is all you need".
I did a post earlier where I criticised the A318B output with my Spendors. My mistake. It was indeed a A318A that I heard low output from. It was plenty loud with some wonderful sounding Zu Druid Speakers which I felt sounded great.
I mistankenly said that the Almarro 318B was lacking power for my Spendors, actually it was the Almarro 318A.
I did some more comparing of the Cayin A-88T and Almarro A318B. I found the Almarro responds dramatically to changing out the pre 6SN7 and 6SL7 tubes. My best combo with the Almarro is a Mullard 6SL7 tube (CV-569/ECC35) with a Raytheon 6SN7 (VT-231). In my Cayin I preferred the Mullard CV-569 in combination with the the very midrange lush RCA 6SL7 (VT-231). I have not had opportunity to try a Mullard 6SN7. The Mullard CV-569 remained a constant between the two and is a warm, yet detailed and extended tube.

The Cayin is a little more extended and benefited from the warmer RCA VT-231 to balance the sound a tad (which is all it needed) in a softer direction. The Almarro seemed a bit too soft and mushy with the RCA VT-231 (6SN7) and needed the more extended yet still musical Raytheon VT-231 to liven it up a bit and induce more detail in the upper midrange.

With both the best pretubes of all for both from my experimentation in place, the Cayin has great dynamics, soundstage, stereo imaging, and is still warm, yet very open and clear. The Almarro looses a little on the openess and imaging, but has slightly warmer mids which to some may sound a little too soft to some.

For my listening tastes, the Cayin sounds wonderfully dynamic, extended, and open while the Almarro has slightly warmer and lusher mids but lacks a tad of the detail and dynamics compared to the Cayin (it does however still have very respectable detail).

These are two different amps to me. Apples and Oranges. Those who are in love primarily with a very lush tube sound with a great textured midrange may prefer the Almarro, and those who like tube sound with more dynamic power and openess and a clear yet still warm midrange which is more tonally accurate, may prefer the Cayin. Both are great tube amps which offer much more 3 dimensional and living presentation to sound than solid state amps, and in my opinion and after much experimentation, buying, and selling, are two of the best amps you can buy.
I ended up with an Almarro 318B with a little different tubing than what was in the weaker A318A Almarro and am using the amp to drive very lovely Zu Druid Speakers (Mullard 6SL7/CV569, RCA VT-231 (6SN7).

The sound is great. The Almarro doesn't have quit as good of imaging and soundstage as the Cayin, but has a midrange correctness, and open yet delicate highs that is hard to match with any amp other than a SET.

However, you get something and you loose something it seems. People who prefer instrumental and vocals or classical music with a more laid back yet rich textured sound may prefer the Almarro (better with high efficiency speakers) and people who want a slightly clearer and more pwerful and dynamic sound with sparkling zing and wonderful sounstage (warm mids albeit with a slight upper midrange etch) will prefer the Cayin I imagine.

Both are wonderful amps and are at the top of the list for my preference in sound (open and warm but not harsh) of a dozen amps I have owned over the last five years. Of course, the disposition of all other equipment and listener preferences needs to be added into the formula for net sound.

By the way, don't let the 45 watts