American-made integrated tube amplifiers

I have been holding out for an American-made integrated tube amp. It seems, however, that all the recent buzz has been about Asian-made products. Obviously, economics has forced many of us to reconsider our equipment budgets. This most often narrows amp selection to foreign manufacturered designs. Is there an affordably priced "made-in-the-USA" integrated tube amp that clearly outperforms and outclasses the current comparative Asian products filling the approx. $1500 price range? A scan through the common publications indicate, not.
I am truly grateful to all of you who have responded. You have given me a wealth of possibilities to research. Truth is, it was cheap foreign tube amps that allowed me to get a taste of tube gear. For months, I thought Miles Davis' Blue in Green began with a ridiculous amount of background hiss. It was a little Chinese tube amp that revealed I was hearing brushes. I was amazed and possibly forever hooked on tube gear. I am excited to think about the possibilties of my next acquisiton. I will do my homework and try to meet my personal mission of building a primarily American made system. Not for some overly protectionist reason but, moreso like a hot cup of coffee that can wake you up to an old idea that American engineering can be dammn good! Somehow, it seems American products have gone out of fashion in America. I want to do my little part to change that. Wow! Not sure where all the patriotism just came from. :)
I think Trelja had it correct

"you'll find the resale value a Made in the USA component such as this provides in comparison to a Chinese product will more than justify the purchase."

Jax2 recommendation of Quicksilver is a good one. I've owned Quicksilver, great sound, great prices, great build, great customer service and great resale value.

I bought a Chinese CDP it's value dropped by at least 3/5's in exactly one year !!!!
A used Cary SLI-80 or cj CAV 50 would be my research makes a great one as well.
