Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2

I recently acquired Wilson Sophia 2's and am enjoying them but I'm wondering if I can do better in terms of amp matching. I currently use Theta Citadel 1.5's. I would prefer a little more midbass (Sophias are currently closer to the front wall than I would like, but pulling them out reduces body).

These speakers aren't overly sensitive (89db) and run at 4ohms.

I also wouldn't mind a little more midrange bloom (I do like tubes!) but don't want to lose anything in the highs.

Amps I've been thinking about: McIntosh, Pass.

Love to hear your thoughts.
In my search for a new amp for my Verity Parsifals I spent a day listening to the ARC Ref. 110 with the Sophia II's. It was nice but was a bit forward in the upper mids and a little light in the base.

This was mostly due to Ref 110 voicing. I used Ref 110 with Sophia 2s for over a year. Pass X-350.5, which I also tried with my Sophias, gives entirely different perspective.
Madfloyd, for the long term it would serve you well to get Pass XA100.5 if that is what you already have in mind and already listened to them. The actual necessity is more of whether you need the XA100.5 or the XA60.5. I have the later but I listen to all kinds of music. My personal music taste definitely requires private home with good spacing between houses, and quality windows and doors before the neighbors complain. I expect music with distinct bass at 60-85 db, but then too strong a bass unfortunately drowns out the delicateness and subtlety of the music. So what am I to do? However if you are the type that primarily stands up, claps and moves with the beat, then the pair of XA100.5 are for you. My XA60.5 can undoubtly shake the ground, but other people might enjoy shaking the foundation of their houses harder than me.

Are you using the AR Ref 110 or the Pass X-350.5 now? I have not heard the AR amps, but listened to the AR Ref 3 at my dealer's. Different perspective from my Ayre K-1xe, which is more dynamic and detailed and has better base, though the Ref 3 threw a larger soundstage. Also listened to the Ayre KXR, which is the best preamp I've heard to date.

I have not had the same experience as you had with the Lamm M 1.2s. They really sing for me, but I have always preferred the sound of class A amps. I always liked Pass's class A amps as well.

I'm using Dartzeel for now. If you haven't heard the Ref 3 with the NOS TungSol Black Plate 6550 from the 1950s in the power supply, then you haven't heard what Ref 3 is capable of. It is really transforms this preamp.
Interesting. Perhaps I should get some of those and borrow a Ref 3 from my dealer to check it out. Thanks, Elberoth2.

BTW, you didn't say what your thoughts are on the Dartzeel?