Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2

I recently acquired Wilson Sophia 2's and am enjoying them but I'm wondering if I can do better in terms of amp matching. I currently use Theta Citadel 1.5's. I would prefer a little more midbass (Sophias are currently closer to the front wall than I would like, but pulling them out reduces body).

These speakers aren't overly sensitive (89db) and run at 4ohms.

I also wouldn't mind a little more midrange bloom (I do like tubes!) but don't want to lose anything in the highs.

Amps I've been thinking about: McIntosh, Pass.

Love to hear your thoughts.

I'm using Dartzeel for now. If you haven't heard the Ref 3 with the NOS TungSol Black Plate 6550 from the 1950s in the power supply, then you haven't heard what Ref 3 is capable of. It is really transforms this preamp.
Interesting. Perhaps I should get some of those and borrow a Ref 3 from my dealer to check it out. Thanks, Elberoth2.

BTW, you didn't say what your thoughts are on the Dartzeel?
I have Wilson Sophia 2's powered by a Sonic Frontier Power 2 which is a 100 wpc tube amp, running KT6550's and matching SFL2 pre-amp. The soundstage is incredible, both breath and depth. I have read that this combo may not provide the bass some would like, but I am bass forward and it's good enough for me. Jazz, rock, folk, blues and some classical are my listening preferences.
These amps can be had for $2,000 in top shape, not including the pre-amp.