Favorite Tube Combinations

OK, I've never been a big believer in "synergy" except maybe as a last resort and never completely bought into the idea that this or that tube sounds different in your system than mine. Well recently I've been rolling 12AX7/ECC83/5751s and 12AU7/7316/5814s and I think I'm on to something.

After many recommendations of the CBS Hytron 5814a, I was able to acquire a nice NOSish pair. In combination with a Raytheon Black Plate it sounded gorgeous as long as I was using a SS CD player. When I hooked up my Cayin CDT17a (which uses Ei 6DJ8EGs) the sound became syrupy and sloppy, dark and really not too pleasant. When I switched to the 7316 / ECC83s (JJ copy of the Telefunken E803s), everything became clearer, focused with much better definition and life. (This combination with SS was just a bit much and a little dry in the mid-range for my liking). The Raytheon Black Plate still sounds beautiful as long as the 7316 pair is in the circuit but the ideal seems to be with the JJ, at least with the Cayin in the path.

I stand a changed man.

What combinations of tubes have you found to synergize?
Have you read Joe's tube lore? I'll email it to you. What a way to spend a year or two...
A Taste of Tubes from sonic frontiers. Great reading.
What combinations of tubes have you found to synergize?

I'm a bit perplexed by your question. How well combinations of tubes synergize depends mostly upon the circuit/component you are using them in, as well as on the specific tubes you use, not to mention other components in the chain. Just because 6SL7's work well pushing 300B's in one amp in one system, does not mean that's going to be the case in all amps using those tubes...and the which 6SL7's, and which 300B's. The variables here are staggering. Rolling tubes within a specific component can render huge differences, or very subtle differences or none at all. One interesting detail I've found over the years is that the closer the component is to the source, the greater the potential for impact when rolling within that circuit (rolling tubes in a pre or in a tubed-output digital front-end tends to have a greater impact than rolling tubes in an amp). This, of course is a very broad generalization and there are certainly exceptions. All of this is highly subjective as well, as anything in this hobby. Glad you're having fun with it.