What would you do with an awesome quad of 6BQ5?

I got a great deal on a matched quad of used Amperex 6BQ5's. I have absolutely no need for the but couldn't pass up the deal (he had other tubes I did need). Now, do I look for an amp to put them in? Do I go for a headphone amp? Go for a serious project or build something? Budget isn't big, just my itch for another project.
Do I just sell them since I already have 5 other amps? Grommes mono blocks, Mac solid state, PSE Studio IV, Dynaco ST-80 by Panor and a Music Hall.
Of course! I have the source and speakers, I just amp roll instead of tube roll. Thinking hard of find some Williamson-2's. They used these?
I just scored an Antique Sound Labs HB-1 OTL headphone amp that uses two 6BQ5's and it is really a sleeper soundwise. If you decide to buy a headphone amp that uses two of those Amperex, I'd consider buying the other pair. I'm using a pair of Sylvania blackplates right now and some Mullards are on the way, but those Amperex come VERY highly recommended.