What is the best integrated tube amp under $3k ?

I have recently been bitten by the tube bug. For the most part, I really love it. My short experience with tubes is turning out to be filled with much analyzing and upgrading of tubes, cables and different dacs. I am also discovering the strengths and weaknesses of some of the components that I am using.
I am starting to look at replacing my Jadis Orchestra Reference and would like to hear from what other folks are using as their integrated tube amps. My plan would be to try to spend about $3000 for a good preowned amp.
I'd especially like to hear from anyone that has owned a JOR and has found something that they are satisfied with.
I'd like find something that will be able to drive Dali Helicon 800 which are about 90.5 db sensitive.
I have heard of SET tube amps that people seem very excited about. I would like to hear some objective observations about these systems as well.
Thanks in advance.
If you are intent on replacing the JOR, Clio09's VAC suggestion is a good one. I'll add Air Tight and Audio Note to what I believe should be a very short list.
Trelja ;
You have peeked my interest... what integrated amps are available from Audio Note and Air Tight for $3000 ?

Thank you.
peek-a-boo , I see that profreeding is not my frend !
O well , u no what i mene .

Happy Tunes .
Saki70, the Air Tight I listened to was the EL34 based unit. In fact, I A/B'd it at the dealer I bought my JOR from in 1999. I was more than happy with both of them, one of the reasons I chose the Jadis was the ability to also play EL34 types in addition to the KT90 it came with. I was told the Air Tight couldn't go up to run the larger KT88 type, but maybe it could? It's possibly listed as a power amplifier, but I remember it having level controls, if I'm not mistaken. It may have been somewhere in the $3500 range at the time, though I'm sure it's gone up. I guess I kind of meant the means to buy one would be the used route.

The Audio Note was a 300B based integrated about 1.5 years ago. For whatever reason, the name Meishu sticks out in my mind, but again, I'm not 100% sure that is the one. The dealer said the price was in the $3750 neighborhood. Nevertheless, that surely was a special amplifier.
Any idea of where I can audition VAC, Audio Note, Air Tight or some other top end HiFi in the Chicago area? As huge as this place is, it doesn't seem to have many tube equipment dealers that I have been able to find yet.

... and a very big Thank You to you Trelja ! Your totally unselfish help in biasing my JOR is very much appreciated. The tech actually calibrated it with a 400 hz square wave and it sounds awesome. I spoke with Pierre Gabriel this morning and told him of my ordeal with the loose solder joint. I also told him about the tube upgrades and he fully approved of the Mazda 12ax7s tubes I just put in.

I have it tuned up as best I can right now, but I am the kind of guy that would love some reassurance that my JOR sounds as good as any other JOR out there. Pierre told me that they are going to look for more Jadis dealers in the USA in the near future. John, I wish you would open up a store up here. 5 million population ;-)