What is the best integrated tube amp under $3k ?

I have recently been bitten by the tube bug. For the most part, I really love it. My short experience with tubes is turning out to be filled with much analyzing and upgrading of tubes, cables and different dacs. I am also discovering the strengths and weaknesses of some of the components that I am using.
I am starting to look at replacing my Jadis Orchestra Reference and would like to hear from what other folks are using as their integrated tube amps. My plan would be to try to spend about $3000 for a good preowned amp.
I'd especially like to hear from anyone that has owned a JOR and has found something that they are satisfied with.
I'd like find something that will be able to drive Dali Helicon 800 which are about 90.5 db sensitive.
I have heard of SET tube amps that people seem very excited about. I would like to hear some objective observations about these systems as well.
Thanks in advance.
The Ars Sonum is another outstanding choice in a tube integrated amplifier. With the Merlin loudspeakers, it's simply a match made in heaven.

I bought a matched quad of new Russian Gold Lion KT88 and a few different 12ax7 with my latest and greatest being a matched pair of NOS French Mazda 12ax7s's with the silver anodes from 1962. Have you heard these before? They seem to make the bass tighter, for lack of a better descriptor. I finally spoke with Pierre, and he definitely is a very charming guy. If I keep the JOR, I might consider finding a matched quad of NOS KT88's to try.
I think the KT88 are a good combination in the JOR, you get much more liquid mids than the KT90 and a lot more bass than the EL34. It's probably the best way to go in this amp. With my DA30 and DA60, I like the EL34, but those amps have more on the bottom because of their heavy duty iron, along with 5751 drivers.

My own experience is that I didn't realize how wonderful my JOR was until someone wanted to buy it, and I retubed it. Moving away from my JOR caused me to get back into Jadis on a very big scale, as I had to return to it quickly.
Thanks for the great observations. I put a tremendous value on the opinions of you folks.

I will most likely try to explore other top end brands in the Chicago area. But after listening to your comments, I will probably have to look far and wide before I can find a worthy contender to replace my JOR.

Thanks for all the great responses. I am next going to ask for more opinions on creating a short list for top end cables. I know it will be as interesting as this was,

Happy listening !
One suggestion if you do decide to keep the JOR is to drill additional holes in the bottom plate (there are already a bucketful of them) inline with the resistors and potentiometers involved in the biasing procedure.

As the disassembly and (especially) putting the amplifier back together are the most difficult and labor intensive steps, these holes would turn what is one of the most involved biasing procedures in audio into a simple no muss, no fuss 3 - 5 minute affair. Were I Jadis, I would implement it myself, as it would really make life easier for the JOR owners out there.