Which has greatest influence?

I have recently upgraded my amp but got to wondering which really has the greatest affect on the quality of sound --the preamp or the amp? Or is there a difinitive answer to that question" I have heard it said that your s ystem is only as good as youre weakest componet. Is this always true?
Switiching to a tube Pre-amp gave me the most satisfying change in my system. This particular component was the first major upgrade in my starter audiophile system after reading lots of replies to a similar question from earlier forums.
I would say the amp/speaker match is the most critical, get that wrong it doesn't matter. Get that right and most decent preamps and sources will be ok, and only better as you upgrade, but nothing will ruin things faster than an amp and speaker that do play well toghether IMHO.
Thanks for all of the thoughtful answers. My setup at present
starts with a Prima Luna Pre amp, I recently added Conrad Johnson LP 705. Speakers are B&W 804s. The CJ impreoved my system greatly. Just wondered if I changed the Preamps would I get a similar boost?
Wondered too about matching preamp and amp CJ all the way. would that make a difference? I am somewhat new ro all of this and these questions pop up in the middle of the night,
I use the PL pre-amp in my system. Specifically what was the 'boost' you refer to. Can you describe the sonic differences it brought? What further improvements would you want to bring about by changing the PL3 out. Having some knowledge about the PL3 and how it interfaces with some amp's I might be able to help. BTW, what is you amps input impedence. I'm not familar with the CJ LP705.