Which has greatest influence?

I have recently upgraded my amp but got to wondering which really has the greatest affect on the quality of sound --the preamp or the amp? Or is there a difinitive answer to that question" I have heard it said that your s ystem is only as good as youre weakest componet. Is this always true?
In response to Newbee: You asked several questions in your post which I will try to answer: Re What I meant by 'boost' I wish I knew the vocabulary of the audiophile. It simply opened a richere, fuller sound, larger soundstage, a feeling of being closer to the real thing. I was just wondering if the changing of pre amp would open that door even wider. Sorry my finger slipped when I tried to identify my new amp. It is a Conrad Johnson LP 70S.
And I think the impedence rating is 100. Would appreciate any thoughts y0u might wish to share wirth an old duffer who just t`urned 90. Jack North1178
An old duffer who turned 90 or finally hit 90? More likely the latter I think. :-)

I do believe you could improve your systems sonics with a different pre-amp.

I use the PL3 with a PL5 and combined they are excellent lacking only a little bit of ultimate resolution and deep bass power. BUT, seperately, the PL5 is deficient in the bass when driven by other pre-amps I've tried, and the PL3 is somewhat dark and closed in with the other amps I've matched it to, including tube amps with a high input impedence (I assume yours is 100K, not 100, and a technical impedence match would not be a problem).

Now what pre-amp and how much money you might want to chase after it is another thing, but you should try some out. You might try out one of CJ's pre-amps that compliment your amp.

Hope that helps a bit.
Thanks Newbee. No - had ny 90th in July. Tell me, when you go to matching pre amp to amp what are you matching? Are there som specifics to look for? Jacnorth1178
I have read all the above responses and I believe all pieces in your system are important. Proper line conditing is just important & will make your system sing.
I have heard your amp and I own a CJ preamp, a CT5 would be a great match.