Quicksilver amp owners

Would/can anyone here describe the "Quicksilver" sound so to speak.
No dealers in my area.
Also own KT88 Mono's -remember all the 88's are at least 13-14 years old .Mine were remarkably good sounding even with pretty sad valves in 'em. Once re-tubed (MP's of JJ Kt-88's ),NOS 12FQ7's and Chinese 5AR4's - they are simply wonderful. Bass performance does not have the control or slam of a high current SS amp - but it sure is a lot better ( more extension - better detail/control)than any of the Dynaco St-70's , the Marantz 8B or the Citation II I owned years ago.And the Quickies voice range will leave you smilin , HF performance is very accurate and at the same time very non-fatiguing. I use a couple of pairs of Paradigm Studio 20's and yeah -matching amps to speakers is always a issue.
Thanks for all the chiming in.

I picked up a pair of Quicksilver Mid mono's from eBay and I'll report what I think about them. The're coming in FEDEX today.
I've owned the 8417s and the V4s. They were mighty fine amps. One thing you will notice that is that many QS owners seem to be pretty loyal to the brand, among other reasons they tend not to breakdown.

I really like Quicksilver mid monos a lot. Careful matching is required with these though.

They are not the type of gear to hook up to any ol equipment and hastily judge.

The Quickies need the right partners,more so than most any other amps I've owned.

I'm only just learning about tube amps and their considerations,about a year into it.

These amps are fool friendly in that bias is a no brain-er.(Whew!!)

I'm trying preamps with them now,I own an Accuphase c-200 solid state pre,hooked it up and the sound was awful,that was hard to believe since both are great pieces,synergy rules in high end.

Then,I used my Minimax tube preamp and then thing got really good,but the bass is a little subdued with these large bookshelf speakers I use,but I run a sub anyway.

I would like the mid bass to have a little more attack. Attack is there don't get me wrong.The system did have more, with some different speaker I used,some large vintage Marantz HD770's,The Quicks hated the Dynaudios I have.

I'm spoiled with the memory of the King Kong on steroid attack of the Accuphase P-300 SS amp I own, It's left a scar on my memory. So I have to be realistic...

I'm in the middle of a Quicksilver line stage purchase,I'm counting on their good rep and synergy to rule,BUT I might find the EE minimax to be better,so it's a gamble. I don't want to get rid of my speaker (Speakerlab Das 3's circa 199? ) there is no specs for the Speakerlabs, I should get them measured,so I know what I'm dealing with,they're like a B&W 602 s3, but better.
I might even get rid of my pet speakers for the Quickies sake,which would be a big deal to me. But well see....

The highs are the smoothest I have heard,but the detail is there right along with the smoothness,very seductive. Great texture! I would say they are detailed/smooth and musical amps,that need to be partnered just so. Once this happens I sure I will be rewarded well for my patients and efforts.

My power tubes are newer EH Fat Bottles,I pretty much go EH all the way as they really seem to open the sound up,great tubes.

Anyway,lots more could be said.I'll report more later.

maybe I need to get some Horns....?

Happy Easter!
mid monos quicksilvers ,what cabling is the best to put them together with triangle antal?