Bel Canto Ref1000mkII stock issues?

I just heard that Bel Canto is having a circuit board issue with these amps. Consequently, they are delaying shipments right now. Is it a supply issue, a quality/design issue, or a demand issue due to the favorable Stereophile review and A rating? Love to hear from anyone "in the know".
Why are you guys misreading my post? I am not a dealer or anything. I am merely a prospective buyer and just trying to do my research and check the boards. I love Bel Canto stuff (own a couple pieces now) and am trying to determine whether to buy the old mkIs used or go for the gold with the mark IIs. Where in the world is civility these days? Geez. Drop the ad hominem attacks already. I appreciate Buff's quick response and disregard the other two for not being helpful whatsoever. Cheers guys!
You are correct.I am wrong and apoligize for my lameness.Hope this may even us up,Bob
No worries Bob. I don't like to see unwarranted negativity on these boards. I think most of us agree on that. We are all in this crazy hobby together and I learn so much from everyone on here. Cheers!
In your opening post your wrote "I just heard that Bel Canto is having a circuit board issue with these amps".

I think the readership is interested in your source.

It's unsubstantiated statments/allegations like yours which are probably best left unsaid.

A better idea would have been to contact your local dealer or Bel Canto.
That would be optimal Audio------.As you know were all human and insane to be here in this hobby so........