Looking to get into tubes?

I am sure this has been covered before but I would like to get very current opinions. After being in this hobby since the early 60's am finally thinking seriously about trying tubes for the first time. An integrated is what I am thinking of. Very cheap or used. Models that have caught my attention:
Onix, Dared, Many good looking offerings on that big auction site, Tec.On....?
I would like something easy to use, set up etc., since this will be my first one. What are all of your suggestions? Thanks P.S. I have efficent speakers
IF its in your head and wont go away I feel it too.I was wanting a CJ MV 60,maybe MV55 for reliability,customer service and quality EL34 tubes are available everywhere.I was thinking around 1200$ or so.Wasnt going to spend only 6-700$ at this point[aggravations mon].Good luck.Summers coming,ever buy a motorcycle?
I have to disagree with some of the above posts. I too had been listening to SS since the 60's. A couple of years ago I switched to tubes and couldn't be happier. Go for it!!!
I'm 58, started with tubes at age 16, went SS later but was never really happy. Now I have tubes again and I love them. I think the Rogue Cronus is a good suggestion and so is the Audio Space AS-3i. Both unfortunately near the top end of your budget if you can find them used.

Another good brand which was marketed for a while here in Canada is Passion Audio. The i-11 model is a bit better-sounding than the i-10 and should still be close to the low end of your budget. These amps were produced by Antique Sound Labs and voilĂ , that's another brand you might consider and a little easier to find.

Remember the output transformer is the key to sound quality in a tube amp. I recommend the Audio Space and Passion units for that reason. I have heard the Cronus briefly at a show and liked it but I didn't get to ask about it.
tube gear is cool, but you're stuff...as you already know..is totally classic ss hifi. a dynaco 70 is a nice alternative to ss, and in many ways, as sweet as many more expensive esoteric pieces. a blue collar marantz b if you will. i have had an mc275 for years, but it never displaces my revox gear for long. not because it doesn't sound a bit better, but because its so minimal, its meaningless (at least to me).
What makes tubes sound good are not the tubes, but rather the circuit. How many times have you heard that tubes sound sweeter, mellow, less bright, blooming, natural sound decay, etc.? What does that is the pure class A circuit for which tubes are known. You don't have to have tubes for pure a class A circuit. There are solid state amps that have that same sound and you don't have to put up with the high maintainance problems with tubes. Check out Pass Labs, and Esoteric. There might be other solid state brands that have pure class A circuits as well. Perhaps others can contribute more solid state amps brands with this tube sounding circuitry.