Looking to get into tubes?

I am sure this has been covered before but I would like to get very current opinions. After being in this hobby since the early 60's am finally thinking seriously about trying tubes for the first time. An integrated is what I am thinking of. Very cheap or used. Models that have caught my attention:
Onix, Dared, Many good looking offerings on that big auction site, Tec.On....?
I would like something easy to use, set up etc., since this will be my first one. What are all of your suggestions? Thanks P.S. I have efficent speakers

OK, please tell me about tube cost, availability,resources, how long do they last, tube matching, tube rolling-compatability, break-in? These things are still unknown to me and I feel are important since Solid State is just essentially plug in & play.
Thanks for all of your opinions. I am still undecided weather or not to take the plunge though. I think that all the fussing and tube Hi-Fi minutia might make me crazier than my present state. We ARE all crazy here anyway, aren't we?

A set of driver ( small-signal ) tubes might last you a year if you left your amp on all the time ( I don't ). Turning off and on will reduce tube life somewhat but if, like me, you have the amp on about 4 hours a day, four days a week, the tubes will last a lot longer than a year.

Output tubes ( power tubes--the big ones ) generally last about a third of the lifetime of the smaller driver tubes.

A new output tube might cost from $15 to $25. A new driver tube might cost about the same. NOS tubes ( new old stock -- tubes made thirty to seventy years ago and stored since that time -- some of us use them ) will cost you whatever you are willing to pay.

Whether matching is necessary depends on the amplifier design. Output tubes often need to be matched, and the new tube sellers sell matched sets if you need them. Driver tube matching becomes important if you are buying used tubes for use in pairs, quads, etc. Otherwise you can just buy a pair or a quad of new ones.

Resources... do you mean where to buy tubes, or where to find out more? New tubes are easy to find.

Breaking in a new tube might take ten or twenty hours of use.

Tube gear does need a little more care than the other kind. Mostly you need to keep it well-ventilated so that overheating never becomes a problem.
