Best preamp for my system.

I am looking to upgrade my preamp, and am looking for advice from experienced audio people. I am currently running an Emm Labs CD player into a Levinson 380S and then the Levinson 33H's and on to the Genesis 4 tower speakers. All signals running through Gabriel Gold Rapture IC's. What I like is a real lush sound, vocals being most important with respect to accuracy. Some preamps that I am considering are the ARC reference and Lamm Reference.......but am open to suggestions if a serious upgrade from my 380S can be had for less than those two expensive units.
I think adding a tubed preamp will give you the qualities you are searching for. In addition to the ARC, Bat, and Conrad, you might also consider Atma Sphere, and VTL. The Atma Sphere comes with an excellent phono section (optional) which put it ahead of some others for me.
Shane: Please take a look at one of my threads where I was asking about dual-output balanced pre-amps. While you don't need dual output, the list does contain many great pre-amp suggestions that I received. As of late, I've also received a recommendation to have a listen to the CAT pre-amps (2 models). They won't work for me as they are single-ended however they currently very highly thought of on Audiogon and elsewhere....
Thank you very much to everyone who has responded, you have given me a number of options to investigate. My issue with the tube stuff is that I need to use the pre as a pass through for my theatre system as well as my two channel system, and don't know if that can be done without putting time on the tubes!?? I just don't want to have to unhook and hookup cables depending on if I run the two channel or the theatre! If a tube pre is going to be that much better than SS I can work on other options, but would like the ease of pass through capable pre. Right now I am also using Y adaptors on my 380S output so that I can run one cable to the bass tower amp and one cable to the tweeter/mid amps............I need to do this as the 380S only has one left and one right output. Thanks again for all the info everyone, much appreciated.
there are plenty of tube pres w dual outputs. And most pre-amp tubes last a very long time and unless you use NOS tubes, are not that expensive. Also there are some HT bypass units that do not require the pre to be on. For example my Doshi, but there are others.
am open to suggestions if a serious upgrade from my 380S can be had for less than those two expensive units

When you have a chance to try a Lamm LL2, do it. Amazing good sounding unit.
Has 2xoutputs.