Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?


Spectron Audio web site states that they have new black faceplates and I wonder if someone has Spectron amp with this look? I am considering to get their monoblocks.

It seems (from their web site) that they are on the rise - hiring new people, getting new reviews, even new Remote Sense cables... interesting

Reviews don't mean a thing. Sometimes, I wonder what these reviewers were smoking when they review a product. It is foolish to buy based on a reviewers point of view, and I have done my fair share of buying on impluse. I have grown wiser, my friends. A reviewers taste is his or her taste, not mine. We all know many companies send out freebies to these reviewers.

Spectron could be the GREATEST AMP on the face of the earth, but it is not for me; I am not saying it is a bad product, it just did not meet my taste.
Reviews do mean a lot !!!! If I am looking for the amp - I can't auditioned all available on market - Only what my local dealer has (and he dos not have much). Reviews help immensely to narrow options to educate about company, engineering approach, some weaknesses etc.

Ajackson1 - you even wrote me privately with advise not to believe this or that A-goner, nor to buy Musician etc.

Well, I bought used one - with condition that if I will not like it I will return - .... but I liked it and I did not return. As a matter of fact I LOVE it! Very close to some very good valve amplifiers in midrange and simply the best everywhere else.

The more time I use this amp the more I love it. I think I will save some money and trade-up this one for the pair of monoblocks, people are saying that midrange became much, much better not to mention dynamics and I believe them.

to Spectron Audio - great job, guys. Thank you.

I feel the same as you the more time goes by the better it sounds, and the better I like it. Mine only has about 300 hrs. on it at this time.

Everyone have their taste and if you love the Spectron that is you; I did not and I am entitled to write about my dislike for this product just like you are for your love of it.

I do, however, have an issue with you posting a private email exchange you and I had on this post. What I said in my email to you is to audition the product before you buy and not to take everyone one who post positive reviews on Agon for their word. I never told you not to buy this product.

Please lets be adults who can have fruitful discussions and leave tattle tails to high schoolers.