Everyone have their taste and if you love the Spectron that is you; I did not and I am entitled to write about my dislike for this product just like you are for your love of it.
I do, however, have an issue with you posting a private email exchange you and I had on this post. What I said in my email to you is to audition the product before you buy and not to take everyone one who post positive reviews on Agon for their word. I never told you not to buy this product.
Please lets be adults who can have fruitful discussions and leave tattle tails to high schoolers.
Everyone have their taste and if you love the Spectron that is you; I did not and I am entitled to write about my dislike for this product just like you are for your love of it.
I do, however, have an issue with you posting a private email exchange you and I had on this post. What I said in my email to you is to audition the product before you buy and not to take everyone one who post positive reviews on Agon for their word. I never told you not to buy this product.
Please lets be adults who can have fruitful discussions and leave tattle tails to high schoolers.