which - adcom, cambridge audio, outlaw, rotel

Hi. So, I'm in the odd position of having only speakers, having just sold my Marantz SR7000 A/V receiver two weeks after buying it off of CL because it didn't sound very good for rock and hip hop, but was great for jazz, pop, and classical. The plain vanilla JVC DVD player also went. The speakers are Paradigm Studio 20s on stands also from CL.

This is a two-channel music only system in my medium sized living room. Only sources will be CD and flac player (maybe through outboard DAC). i don't listen to radio.

I like clarity but not cold sound, and occasionally rock the house with hip hop or rock, mostly it is lighter stuff at low to moderate volumes.

Now, I've ordered a Cambridge Audio Azur 340A (only $200 from audio advisor), and am involved in auctions/trades for the following:

ADCOM GTP-400 preamp & ADCOM GFA-535 amp for $200 (both)
Pioneer Elite PD-M53 CD player (trade)
Rotel RCC-955 CD player (auction)
Cambridge Audio Azur 640C v2 (auction)
Outlaw Audio 1050 receiver (auction)

Based on the speakers and my listening habits, which should I pursue? Is there any new equipment that would put all of this in the shade at a total price of say $600 for integrated amp or amp/pre-amp and CD player.

I can afford considerably more, but cannot at this point justify small fortunes to listen to music. I am terminally cheap! :) See if you can convince me to spend more if there's a good price/quality balance involved.

04-21-09: Vivaslb
Forgot to say that I was a little disappointed that the Onkyo doesn't have any inputs besides plastic RCA binding posts, so no digital inputs at all.
What, you were expecting it to have a DAC inside as well? The Cambridge 340A doesn't have that either.

If that's what you are looking for, you should get the Peachtree Audio Decco. Not only does it have a built-in DAC, it's superb.

BTW, you'll never hear what the Onkyo can do if you feed it low-rez mp3s. I used mine with LP, SACD, and upsampled CD. Also, the Onkyo takes 100 hours to break in and should never be turned off. Use the standby switch instead. In standby the Onkyo only draws 1/4 watt.

Out of the box, the Onkyo sounds brittle and edgy until it has been on and playing music for at least 100 hours. But if you turn it off between playings even after break-in, it will sound flat and ordinary until it has warmed up again for four to ten hours. I doubt you heard it at its best, and it was definitely defective.
The defective Onkyo is going back, and I don't think I want another refurbished one which is all that accessories4less has. Correct re Cambridge 340A not having digital inputs either.

This particular Onkyo had been factory reconditioned, so I don't know if it had been "broken in" for the 100 hrs. you suggest, but it must have had some use, for it to have reached the factory reconditioned stage, no?

Let's see how the Cambridge does. Haven't been able to do any serious listening, but the Public Enemy (on CD) sounded good.
Listened to Suzanne Vega, Sarah Vaughn, and Madredeus today, and the Cambridge Audio is looking like a keeper so far. The defective Onkyo went to the UPS store today.

Now, I need a CD player that is twice the height of the slim consumer DVD/CD players. Any ideas? I know height isn't the best reason to choose a component, but we have a certain aesthetic goal in terms of filling the space, and I'd want one also about the same size as the Cambridge Audio. Not allowed to recommend Cambridge Audio, too obvious.
I don't know if it's too slim for your aesthetic sensibilities, but I nominate the Oppo DV-980H and a Cambridge Audio V-DAC.
Thanks Johnnyb53 for sticking with this adventure. For aesthetic reasons, chose the Onix CD-5 from av123. It has the size I was looking for, and is hefty enough to support the Cambridge Audio Azur 340A on top of it. It also seems to be well regarded. Looking forward to testing it. Of possible interest, is the JVC-XVN650 DVD player that I've been using as a source has been having occasional skips and breaks with some CDs that are pretty new. Looking forward to getting the Onix and hooking it up. I was pretty pleased that Mark, the guy I spoke to, and owner/founder of av123 and Audio Alchemy was complimentary about the Paradigm Studio 20 speakers I have. I'm pretty mid fi but good to see that my random lucky buy off of Craigslist is well regarded. My ears did not fail me. Hard for a long-time Klipsch fan to admit it, but the Paradigm Studio 20's are a lot better. I'd say better than the B&W 685 I auditioned at a hifi store.