Sophia II's and Pass Labs etc


I will buy a new amp set up for my Wilson Audio Sophia II's after the summer. I currently use a Burmester 051 integrated amp and a Burmester 061 cd player + a TW Acustic Raven w/Graham Phantom II arm will be ordered soon

I like the Burmester 011 preamp and Burmester 911 mk3 amp very much, although I have not tested the amp set on my speakers. The price for the set in Norway is NOK 276,000,-

The other options I am looking at are:

- Pass Labs XP20 and XA 100,5 / XA 160.5 mono amps, approx. NOK 210,000 / NOK 255,000

- Audio Research REF 3 preamp and REF 110 amp, approx. NOK 220,000,-

- Simaudio Moon P8 and Simaudio Moon W8, approx. NOK 245,000,-.

- Spectral DMC-30SS and Spectral DMA 360, approx. NOK 230,000,-.

And then you have Conrad Johnson, Mark Levinson, Luxman, Accuphase, MBL, etc etc.

Do you have any preferences of the amps mentioned. Do you know if Pass Labs XA 100.5 will be strong enough for the Sophia 2's?

I listen foremost to pop/rock/hip hop/electro/jazz/metal/etc, since I am a talent buyer within the festival circuit in Norway.

Thanks for your help.

Cheeers, ToffenG, Norway
Hello Tvad,
That's hard to say. My gut says that the XA60.5 will be enough to drive the Andra II (89dB and 6ohm nom. load?) if the music is not too dynamic or too loud and the room is not too large. But that is a lot of "ifs". My Rosa is not as efficient as your Andra II and my XA100.5 seem like plenty, so they would be amazing with your more efficient Andra IIs. But then again, your room is probably bigger than mine as mine could not support the Andra's woofer. The Eggelstons love power and some Audiogoners use the X600.5 to drive the Andras. I have a small(15'x16'x7.5') room and my "gut" has been plenty wrong in the past. Do you have any way to audition them in your system before committing? There is always the XA100.5 or even the XA160.5, but the latter is getting quite expensive.
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Sorry Tvad,
I misunderstood you. I thought you owned the Andra II and were considering which Pass XA.5 to buy. Sorry for the confusion.
I have directly compared the XA30.5 to the XA100.5 on my Sophia II's. The XA30.5 sometimes runs out of steam, whereas the XA100.5s do not. The XA100.5s are better in every way than the XA30.5, it's not just a power thing. You get fuller, more stable imaging, better delineation, more articulation across the entire frequency and a much larger soundfield horizontally, vertically and dimensionally.

All that being said, I chose the XA30.5 for my Sophia IIs as my SS amp ( I use both tubes and SS amplification for the speakers depending on my mood ). At 1/3rd the price of XA100.5 mono blocks, the XA30.5 delivers maybe 85% of the sonics. I also found the XA30.5 to be a little sweeter with more "character" than the larger and more neutral monos. This sweetness created a more INVOLVING presentation, for me, with the Wilsons which certainly benefit from amplification that fully fleshes out harmonics. Th XA30.5 is also almost as transparent and textured as the XA100.5s, so detail freaks need not fret.

These amps heat up small rooms quite quickly, FYI. The monos produce about 3x as much heat as the stereo XA30.5 and suck just as much energy too.

Boils down to budget and what you're willing to spend to get that last ounce of performance. The XA30.5 is a great match with the Sophia IIs, and the XA100.5 are even better. I liked the price and involving performance of the XA30.5, so that's what I chose. The Sophia's are relatively efficient, so the extra wattage of the XA100.5s aren't needed for higher SPL, but mainly for CONTROL which equates to a better performing system (speakers and amps).

Give Pass Labs a call, Kent is extrodinarly helpful and quite frank about his opinions. For my situation, he heartily recommended the XA30.5 and discouraged the XA60.5s. When asked about the XA100.5s for my set up, he said it would be a bit better, but the XA30.5 really makes the best sense unless you just have to spend $15k +.

Hope this helps. I started a thread "Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so" where I make comments about the XA30.5, FYI...

Oh, and I listened to the XP-20 which is a remarkable preamp, but it's not the most transparent or 3D, depth producing preamp compared to the best out there. I thought my Ayre K1xe was more transparent and textured than the XP-20. I liked the "sonic signature" of the Pass amps better than pre, and when put together, ALMOST too much of a good thing, but that's just me and I'm picky, so listen for yourself...
That was a great post, Hce4. I like your very "real world" consideration of price vs. performance. I don't often see comparisons between equipment which include a personal perception of value. You're right that Kent and others at Pass seem to express their honest opinions when discussing their products to potential customers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.