Usher Amp & Pre?

Any owners/former owners of the Usher R 1.5 & P 307 care to elaborate on their experience with these products?
How did they perform in your system?
What were their strenghts ? weakness?
What other components worked well with them ?
The Usher R-1.5 is a very nice amp that can drive tough loads fairly well but I would recommend using it with fairly efficient speakers to get the best out it. I used it to drive Thiel 3.6's and it was nice until things got a little too loud and then it slightly struggled but Thiels can be a bear. If I still had my old VMPS 626R's, I'd still be using that amp. Great build quality.
I'm demoing a 5.1 right now...comparing with Nuforce ref 8v2 class D's. Verdict still out but I wanted to try this amp with my Usher 6381's, plus I've never had a class a in my system. I will say build quality certainly is impressive. Best binding posts I've ever seen.
I'm also tempted to pair with a p307 pre to see if there's any special magic with an all Usher rig
Fishers9, have you made any headway on your end? Interested to hear about the others' experience, particularly with Usher speakers.
i use an usher r-1.5 amp with my usher 6381 and the preamp i am using is the belles 21a with auricap upgrade. nice combo. there is an outfit selling belles 21a preamps without the auricap upgrade ($2500) for a little over $2000. you could probaly offer $1700 and get one as this is what they were selling them for when they first started their ad.