Hi Madfloyd,
I haven't heard the Doshi Alaap so I am not sure what type of sound you are going for. You might put the Cary SLP-05 on your list if you want to stay with tubes. I was auditioning an ARC LS-26 in my system with my Pass amp, and I didn't like it either. It had less body and more glare in the upper midrange than my solid state preamp. However, my buddy brought over a Cary and it mated very nicely with the Pass. Comparative to good solid state it sounded slightly colored, but not at all in a bad way.
A word of warning if you try the XP-20; if it is anything like the XP-10 it will sound withdrawn with no extension out of the box. It becomes a very different preamp as it warms up. Mine took about a week to really open up (judging by direct comparison to my existing preamp). It is very quiet when run balanced into a Pass amp. It is also proving to have excellent body for a solid state preamp. Haven't heard the XP-20 though.
Good luck,