Seeking suggestions for Preamp

Current speakers/amps:

- Wilson Sophia 2's
- Pass XA 100.5 and/or Citadel 1.5 amps

Preamps auditioned:
- Audio Research REF 3
- VTL 5.5
- Esoteric C-03
- Doshi Alaap

I don't like the REF 3 - there's nothing about it that I like. The VTL was dirty sounding. The Esoteric was nice, but brand new and I only auditioned it for an hour or so, but it didn't quite have the body I was looking for.

The Doshi has it in spades and might be my answer, but I'm looking to see what else is out there.

I'm looking for something romantic and a bit bloomy, but NOT noisy and very extended (don't like anything the least bit rolled off on top).

I'm about to try the Pass XP-20 preamp even though it's solid state.

Any ideas of other pre's to pursue?
It may not be well known in the USA (yet), but if you are going for the very best preamp available, you should take a look at our fully balanced RTP3D.

A 4 page brochure and reviews on our site. And if you don't need balanced, then our SVP-2 preamp should be quite an eye opener. Again, a brochure and several reviews on our site.

Regards, Allen (Vacuum State)
'The very best preamp available'? Very interesting.. Do enlighten us as to what gives birth to this strong bold claim. Shoot-outs/comparisons made to? Differences? Panels?
Concerning the fully balanced RTP3D, the brochure covers most of the main differences to other preamps:

Shootouts without me being in attendance, try this:

Concerning the unbalanced SVP-2, here is the brochure:

and the most recent review:

I'm open for questions.

Regards, Allen (Vacuum State)
Allen- At this point, the "pitch" had probably better stop. This is not an advertising forum, in case you were confused.
I may be new here, but I was asked a specific question and was answering it by refering the asker to some links. I don't consider that advertising.

If I'm breaking forum rules, can you please tell me which ones?

Regards, Allen (Vacuum State)