Pure Phono Preamp

I am looking to spend max $4,000 on a low noise, phono preamp with balanced outputs. Musicality is important, but accuracy is preferred. Only features I would like are gain control, and accept MM or MC carts. Any thoughts, ideas?
I would suggest the brand new Pass Labs XP-15. It has adjustable gain via dip swithes on the rear. I believe it has balanced outputs and it costs under $4K new. I have the older 2-box Pass XOno and it has balanced outs. It is very quiet and close to neutral. The XP-15 is supposed to be slightly better for less money. Though this sounds like a dealer's pitch, it is not. I'm just a big fan.
You don't mention if you want a remote, but the manley steelhead I believe does it all and then some.
I think I'm zeroing in, and thanks for everyone's advice. I'm thinking Pass Labs XP-15 versus the Audia Flight Phono? And, can the Manley be had for $4k new?

No, the Manley Steelhead is $7,500 new, with the remote.
(Used, around $4K, probably.)