Tube amps that kick ass?

I'd like to find a high powered tube amp that can deliver all the magic that tubes are known for AND that kicks butt. Solid, tight bass with good authority. Dynamic, quick, but handles the little information (micro) sweetly as well. A tube amp that will play rock and roll at realistic volumes – the way rock in roll was meant to be enjoyed - and still sound great.

Any ideas? 10K or under? preferably 5K or so

Thanks for all responses.
Hi Keith, our email server has been down the last 2 days, so I will answer your question here:

Most of our Vandersteen 5/5A customers run the MA-1- and they say its spectacular! It appears that the M-60 should be able to drive the speaker too (the speaker appears easy to drive), but to date no-one has tried it. I think a lot depends on the room size- most of the 5/5A installations we've seen have been in bigger rooms.
> Just bustin' your chops, Gallant, sorry

Bustin' my chops? LMAO, haven't heard that for long time.
Fplanner2000, my buddy just replaced his VTL 450's with a pair of the VAC Phi 300.1 monos and as you say, they're wonderful. Right out of the box they stomped the 450's in every sonic area I can think of and they continue to improve with breakin. Of course at $18k each retail, they should be good.

As Atmasphere says, the M-60s would probably work well and I almost went with them but in the end I figured if 60 watts was good, 140 would be even better. They are quite "spectacular."
Rfogel8 - Your friend is in for a real treat as the VACs break in. Catch them after they've broken in a while and you might be looking for a way to afford them yourself.... ;-) They really are pretty special.