Tube amps that kick ass?

I'd like to find a high powered tube amp that can deliver all the magic that tubes are known for AND that kicks butt. Solid, tight bass with good authority. Dynamic, quick, but handles the little information (micro) sweetly as well. A tube amp that will play rock and roll at realistic volumes – the way rock in roll was meant to be enjoyed - and still sound great.

Any ideas? 10K or under? preferably 5K or so

Thanks for all responses.
Rfogel8 - Your friend is in for a real treat as the VACs break in. Catch them after they've broken in a while and you might be looking for a way to afford them yourself.... ;-) They really are pretty special.
rogue audio appollo monoblocks, killer amps , great bass, even with revel speakers, ie hard to drive. 10k new, good luck, chris
04-29-09: Gallant_diva
I also have a high opinion on the VAC.
Besides the VTLs are rolled from the top

Do you believe the Tube Research are "rolled from the top" as well?

If I'm not mistaken, one of the pair of Tube Research that you tried (or bought) for your system were my old units. They were magic when over biased with EL34 Mullards but sucked with KT88 and 6550 (which were needed to reach any kind of reliability).

I really get irritate with people knocking the VTL 750 when several industry insiders and at least three reviewers consider them the industry standard for performance.
I'll agree with those who suggest VAC amps,but I favor the renaissance 140's. I have seen them sell for 5k to 6k but retubing these beauties can be expensive. Well worth the investment though. I use Sophia carbon plate 300's with the Brimar CV1988's and the sound is glorious.