thoughts on MBL amps: 8011 vs 9007's

I have a pair of MBL 111e's being powered by the smaller 8011 monoblock amps; all I could afford at that time. I like my MBL's; but was wondering if my amps are enough to bring out all the music from the 111es. I know people are polorized on the MBL brand; but I'd like some opinions on whether there would be enough improvement in musicality and base response; and flow of the music by moving up in the amplifer line to justify the huge increase in price. Or would a different brand of a high current, solid state amp do the trick for me for less money. I also know some folks here are running MBL 101e's with Lamm tube amps; but I'm not sure i'm ready to switch from ss to tubes; and the hastle factor..thoughts on reasonable upgrade path would be appreciated...economy is making the upgrade bug more of a luxury; but the bug is tickling..thanks for helpful replys.
Setup: MBL 111'es main; Meridian 861 processor; aerial cc5 center; Parasound A-51 multi amp, velodyne dd15 sub; Meridian G-98 source; and Qsonix music server; with MIT Maxum M=2 cables. Large; open room; high cathedral ceilings; wood floors;
Are you using any kind of room treatments, acoustics etc? How long have you lived the 8011? Do you feel you are lacking something, like headroom?

What type of music are you listening to?

I have not heard the MBL 111es, I have the AndraIII's and I am running McIntosh MC1.2KW's, over kill in power for my room and speakers, I was considering the 8011's- so your question struck interest in me.
Do you feel that you don't have the power or current reserve to play at levels you enjoy to get that life like sound?

Or do you feel something else is missing?

Thanks for your thoughts
Dear Vx:

I enjoy the detail and accuracy of the 8011's; but don't feel that I'm getting all the base umph that my speakers are claimed to deliver. I'm thinking I need another dedicated power plug; I may be crimping on the power getting into the amps; no; I don't have any room treatments.. My 8011's do deliver very high power peaks in bursts; when needed. I have them powered on 24/7 for one and half years now; and have had no problems...I enjoy an ecelctic blend of music; female vocals; jazz; oldies; classical; my speakers do sound a bit better when played louder than soft.
I do recommend the 8011's; just not sure they are delivering all the power I need for the 111's; hence my post; was hoping some other MBL or high power solid state amp people might offer an opinion...
How do you like your amps, why are you considering a change; maybe we should trade?
Hi Mribob,

You certainly have great speakers. You need to supply those bad boys with lots of current to make them shine. I have the MBL 9008A, and I thought it was definitely a worth while upgrade from the 8011 and even the 9007. I think you would be making a major improvement to your overall setup, especially in such a large room. I think you should stick with MBL so you get that Synergistic effect between your speakers and Amp. I would also look towards your meridian preamp as a possible upgrade area as well. I love Meridian for surround sound, but not so much for 2 channel. For what it's worth, here is a link about that topic:

Dear Rich;
Thanks for your comments and observations; I found the avsforum thread very helpful...I do however use my Meridian 861 for both HT and two/three channel music; I have a Sony 5000es blue ray player; and use the BD to decode the new HD format with internal processing; and run analog out into Meridian; the Meridian is very musical with my Qsonix music server; a big step up from the G-98.
What speakers are you using for your MBL9008a's; and how do you have your wall power/conditioners and power cords set up? Any thoughts on my biwire speaker cables from my amp? How do you think the new Bryston 28b mono blocks would compare to the 9007's?
I'm thinking I first need to run another dedicated 20amp power line into the wall just to power the amps; I am at time running all my gear from 1 20amp plug; with just a few componenents on a non dedicated 15amp line...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts; I find the Gon members very useful source of info to help me make appropriate decisions for my upgrade bugs...