Krell Evolution or Pass XA.5 series

Anyone compare the Krell Evolution to the Pass XA series (all prices being equal) on medium efficiency speakers (89-93db). Curious if you did compare them what was the circumstances and system. I did read in one magazine the XA has a warmer midbass, while the Krell Evolution has better bass. I just want a little more information than that.
It was a short blurb. I guess stronger bass would be more correct. I am curious about other peoples experiences. As I have only heard them at shows.
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I am just trying to remember what I read. Not sure exactly what they meant. I would love to get some input from others if they have compared the Evolution Series to the Pass XA series. I wouldn't ask if I have. I have heard the Evolution in unfamiliar systems. One time it sounded incredible, a 2nd time very good & a 3rd time poor. Pass XA series I have not heard, but I have heard X series and thought it not special.
Good bass, controlled bass. Micro and macro dynamics. The talk of highten bass towards mid and highs. Nah, forget that. That is simply a user, using speakers that are not suited for the room. The Krell amps drive the bassdrivers in a manner most would only dream of. There are many amp-makers that talk of the evolution of their brand. I have used Krell and many more, back in the days and heard Pass Labs. I would go for Krell. There are many krell-dislikers. Don't care about them. Of all the amps i've heard, older Krell amps simply rules in some specific key areas. The later amps are statement amps. The EVO amps are superb. I would not trade them if i had them.
Just listening to a good, or bad recording will reveal absolute inner detail in the bass area (hear they are true ref amps) . Most other amps will not do that. Also, the Krell amps are completely silent, no hum or background noise at all (no bass bloom either). Pass Labs, with all respect, i would listen myself. If i could not do that, i would go Krell because you will not go wrong with those amps you talk of. What is a thing to learn about the Krell is that they will not make bloom as with Pass. It is simply a manner of how you would like it. If you use speakers that has a tendency to sound cold or harsch you might like bloomy sound. But the later Krells are not cold or harsch at all. The c series and older could be hard in tone, but not from cx and forward. I firmy believe, if you have not used a Krell amp of that magnitude, you are in for a serious experience that is only possitive.
I seriously hope you see to it that you demop a EVO amp, you will be hooked directly.
Well I had the Pass X600.5 side by side to the Krell EVO402 in my system. In my system they sounded much alike. The new EVO line is much more musical than the old series. However the typical Krell bass is also gone with the new EVO line.

The Pass was better in the bass and also in the mids. The Krell sounded a little cleaner but also leaner. In the end the Pass was just better in my system.

But the EVO402 is a very good amp and does sound much better than the older 400CX but at about 1.5 times the price also.

My friend tried the XA series next to the EVO and the XA series have better bass than the new EVO402. Krell went away from what made them famous. In the mids the XA also won. On very demanding speakers the Krell might be a better choise but on average the Pass XA series just sound better.
