Can I use my passive preamp with tube amps?

I have been thinking about making the switch to some tube monos but I use a passive preamp (Bel Canto DAC3). I was wondering if a passive preamp works in the some way with tubes than solidstate. I have comared using a preamp with my current set up and I prefer the sound with the passive preamp. Thanks
I am using a Reference Line Preeminance 1A passive preamp with Atma-sphere M60 II.3's with stellar results. Very transparent with great detail.

I have run the same preamp with Sonic Frontiers SFS 40 with good results using both EL34 & KT 90 tubes in the SF amp.

So, yes it is possible to do it with excellent results.
I am using a Sonic Euphoria passive preamp that employs autoformers with a McIntosh MC275 V with outstanding results. Rock solid extended bass, huge soundstage with what sounds like limitless high's and a naturally delineated midrange. Of course, IC's are very critical when one employs a passive preamp and experimentation here definately pays off. I found AQ Cheetah's running the DBS at 72vDC between the preamp and amp to be a stunning match in my system.
Passive attenuators can be very transparent/faithful to your signal, regardless of amp topography. In addition to the above: Listening satisfaction will depend on the output voltage of the source/sensitivity of your amp. If the source(CDP, DAC, phono pre, etc) isn't putting out enough to drive your amp to adequate SPLs; you won't be happy. Having owned the(most excellent) Placette Passive Linestage, I found that some pressings, recorded/engineered at lower levels, were less than satisfying. Then again- I like my music loud, and most of my collection produced excellent results.
If you're asking why he'd want to go to tube monoblocks: If you really need an explanation, you wouldn't understand.