What do you see as the downside of tubes?

I have decided on getting a tube amp and it will be the integrated Mastersound 300B driving a pair of Living Voice Avatars, so at least that decision has been taken.

My main question is what you see as downsides of having a tube amp. As I've decided on getting an integrated tube it's really about what the downsides are I might want to know about beforehand.

The ones I'm aware are the following.

-The tubes need to be replaced and in the case of a 300B this will be somewhat costly.

-Bias is another issue but I'm not sure how big an issue. Do you plug in your meter every so often or just when you roll tubes or replace a dead one? The meter as such isn't gonna be a big issue as I don't think it's that expensive.

-Heat won't be a big issue as we have no kids nor a nosy dog that could get burned. Hope my electricity bill isn't gonna go through the roof, but then again, I can't quite imagine that.

I'd appreciate if you could add whatever your experiences are regarding this question are as I'd like to know more before I buy it.

I am not sure that Unsound is completely off. We all know that speaker/amp match is important. But can you find a set of speakers that meet the following:

1. flat impedance curve
2. larger woofers (> 11")
3. no built-in amps
4. plays down to 30Hz (-3dB)
Post removed 
"What do you see as the downside of tubes?"
I provided a list. That doesn't mean all tube users will experience all the items on the list. That doesn't mean that the upside might not outweight the downside. The question doesn't ask for a comparison with other technologies. To suggest that I'm smoking something, am on something, or that I have been traumatized by tube use is suggestive (at least to me) of defensive behaviour by those posters. Those who have read my past posts know that I strongly believe that in most cases speakers should suggest what might be the best amplifiers to use. I think that makes it pretty obvious that I also believe that tubes amps might be the best choice for some. I have even recommended some tube amplifiers for some users right here on Audiogon. That said, I stand by my original post as to what I see as the downside of tubes.
I'll nominate this series of posts as the frontrunner for the 2009 award for which thread has most outlived its usefulness. ;-)
05-22-09: Mlsstl
I'll nominate this series of posts as the frontrunner for the 2009 award for which thread has most outlived its usefulness. ;-)
Mlsstl (Reviews | Answers)

Totally disagree. To me, this has been a very useful thread, albeit taking on more of a life then the OP anticipated.