best hybrid integrated amp 100wpc or more

looking for an integrated with some power

got to have a touch of tubes

Two more come to mind, firstly LSA Signature and statement, 150watts as I remember. Secondly and harder to find, the AcousticPlan Sitar, only 50watts, but a really nice, detailed sound. I have heard both at shows and could live with either. The Pathos and Unison Research are good too. We do seem to be getting a lot of good integrated amps now. Manufacturers seem to be taking them more seriously, even Nelson Pass.
The Pathos is one of the units that has my interest.

I don't if has the bottom end control though.

I've checked into the UNICO and every former dealer has bashed them in regards to reliability and informed that there is no US distributor anymore.

The LSA/DK is also on the list.

I'd really love to hear more about the Pathos Logos
