best hybrid integrated amp 100wpc or more

looking for an integrated with some power

got to have a touch of tubes

The Pathos is one of the units that has my interest.

I don't if has the bottom end control though.

I've checked into the UNICO and every former dealer has bashed them in regards to reliability and informed that there is no US distributor anymore.

The LSA/DK is also on the list.

I'd really love to hear more about the Pathos Logos

i heard a vincent hybrid that was really outstanding and reasonably priced--less that $1k.
I own a Pathos Classic One with app 65 wpc. I use it to drive SF Cremonas which are a reasonably demanding load. The match works very well (looks great, too) and bottom end control is not an issue. I've never heard a Logos, so I can't say for sure that it will share this quality. You might want to call Kevin at Upscale Audio in Upland, Ca. I bought my Classic from him some years back. He also handles the Unico and Cary (which I'm sure has a model that meets your description, too) lines. He's a good guy and - even though a dealer is never a truly disinterested party - worth seeking advice from.

I have recently added a pair of Vincent SP-T800 monoblocks (replacing much more expensive all tubed monoblocks) and I am extremely shocked and pleased with these Vincent amps. They have a tubed front end (1x 12AU7, 1x 6922, 2x 6N6) and solid state (200 watts) output. They were also very favorable reviewed (Dec 08 I think) in Absolute Sound by Dick Olsher. I've been playing these for about a month now and they are really wonderful. I'll eventually write a review when I get more listening time on them.