Several years ago I auditioned an RB1080 vs RB1050 (I think it was 1050, but the smallest of the lot anyway...60 W I think) and the sound difference went beyond just how loud the amps could go without clipping. The 1050 clipped at fairly low volumes with my 90 dB speakers.
I ended up getting the 1080 for sound quality (vs volume). I have not heard the 1070, though.
At this point I've committed to the RB-1070 (from a seller on this site). Btw - a local dealer advised that the 1070 and 1080 are being discontinued in favor of the new RB-1500 series.
The RB-1080 (2 x 200 wpc) retailed for $1000 while the new RB-1582 (also 2 x 200 wpc) retails for $1500. I'm interested to hear how they compare.
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