next step for my setup? advice appreciated


I've been on an audiophile quest for the last 2 years and I'm at a standstill and would like advice as to my next piece of equipment. Here is a summary of my journey so far:

I started with a Yamaha Surround receiver through Boston Acoustics bookshelf speakers (CR77) with a Sony multi DVD player.

I've ended with older Rotel separates (RB980bx amp, RSP980 processor running 2.1 channel analog.) Oppo 980 dvd player for cds and movies, also itunes into airport express. Speakers are GR Research DIY kit (AV2) and a 10" canadian sub, the brand name escaping me currently.

I'm very happy with the sound and with the bang for the buck, but you know, grass is greener etc, so here are my questions:

-- would a tube buffer between pre and amp help? I see the Yaqin is fairly inexpensive, but also read diverse opinions.

-- how about a tube DAC? Would this vastly improve the Oppo and Itunes? Both are currently analog into the Rotel.

down the road, I'd like to explore tube amplification, but for now I'm considering building my own DAC or trying a tube buffer.

any thoughts appreciated


Steve Cuss

Obviously, the sound quality is up several notches now and I'm very happy
Tubed DAC is a step closer to the right direction IMHO. Tube buffer, not so much. If you can swing it you should try tubed preamp though, either to replace your Rotel processor, or the one with HT bypass option so it can be integrated to your system. Then you'll get the tube magic for all your sources, not just for the DAC.
I think you're on that right track by investing some money into a DAC, a tubed DAC or any DAC for that matter will make vast improvements in your system.

I must admit that I'm not familiar with your brand of DIY Speakers, but if you're happy with them, then it's a non-issue, but this may be another area that I would focus on. You may want to consider a more refined speaker, an older pair of Sonus Faber comes to mind, I've always felt that they match really well with Rotel.

I think your good with the Rotel Separates for now, as I've always enjoyed their sound as well.

Let the journey continue....

Pass on the tube buffer,it's just another link in the chain,spend the money on a DAC.
Hi Guys,

thanks very much for the input. As a guitarist, I'm very interested in going tube somehow, but don't have the budget for it.

My budget is sub $500 and I'm a DIYer, so I'm happy to build my own DAC or even attempt a preamp.

Jylee: so you're suggesting I can add a tube pre to the pro and run them separately? I assume I'd have to reconfigure how my sub is setup. (My processor sends out an LFE signal just to the sub.)

As for the GR Research speakers, I'm very happy with them and would only upgrade them to a higher end GR Research. People make very bold claims about this kit, but having built them and compared them to paradigm studios and B&W Cms, I think the claims are valid. All that to say, I'm very happy with them.

Thanks again for the input. I'll explore building a Tube DAC or researching tube pre or power amp


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