next step for my setup? advice appreciated


I've been on an audiophile quest for the last 2 years and I'm at a standstill and would like advice as to my next piece of equipment. Here is a summary of my journey so far:

I started with a Yamaha Surround receiver through Boston Acoustics bookshelf speakers (CR77) with a Sony multi DVD player.

I've ended with older Rotel separates (RB980bx amp, RSP980 processor running 2.1 channel analog.) Oppo 980 dvd player for cds and movies, also itunes into airport express. Speakers are GR Research DIY kit (AV2) and a 10" canadian sub, the brand name escaping me currently.

I'm very happy with the sound and with the bang for the buck, but you know, grass is greener etc, so here are my questions:

-- would a tube buffer between pre and amp help? I see the Yaqin is fairly inexpensive, but also read diverse opinions.

-- how about a tube DAC? Would this vastly improve the Oppo and Itunes? Both are currently analog into the Rotel.

down the road, I'd like to explore tube amplification, but for now I'm considering building my own DAC or trying a tube buffer.

any thoughts appreciated


Steve Cuss

Obviously, the sound quality is up several notches now and I'm very happy
A DAC will sure help out the 980. Tube or SS, that's your call.

I'd prefer add a tube preamp at this point were I in your shoes.

Before that though, I'd consider cabling. Power cables, ICs... etc.

That Oppo and the Rotel amp both respond well to power cord upgrades. Also, I'd fiddle with the isolation (footers) and maybe even a damping weight set on top of the Oppo.... I prefer Herbie's iso cups with the Ebony balls for mine.

it will suprise you what just some footers and a pc for that Oppo can do. For the amp too.

A tube preamp however would my my goal ultimately.
Hi Folks,

This is great feedback:

I'll likely start by adding a DAC to the system seeing as how it will improve two components - the itunes/airport and the oppo. New power cords and footers for the oppo and rotel sound like a simple improvement to make.

After that I'll start digging into tube preamps and see what I can do with a DIY kit.

As for GR Research and DIY speaker kits, I'm hooked on DIY. The Murphyblaster is on my long term list, as is the GR Research Neo2x.

I'm in Broomfield, CO by the way.

thanks folks for all your guidance. It is a fun and addicting journey

Pursuing value often proves out as a good path... and a DAC made great sense to me too as I use several digital sources.
Hi Folks,

just a quick update as I have greatly appreciated everyone's feedback. I bought a Valab DAC and it offers a definite improvement over the analog inputs.

I since found a Rotel RSP985 on a'gon which is a digital pre/pro and I'll sell the Valab and my rotel analog pre/pro.

The tube bug is biting, so I'll either pursue a tube preamp or possible keep the rotel and try a tube power amp. I have also since discovered the Peachtree Nova which is above my price range, but looks like a great integrated tube amp/DAC. Maybe one day.

Meanwhile GR Research sent me their Neo2x speakers to try and they are incredible. This whole hobby can be deadly.

thanks again for all the helpful feedback.
Congrats. Playback mag has a review out on procs/pres you might want to look at. The item I found included in that article was the audio strengths of these units, which I've found are evident to some degree in my own Onkyo 805 receiver. I think the Integra is likely better, albeit marginally beyond the 805, and should have been included in that monologue too.

RE Deadly?
Only if you allow it to be.