Made in Canada conundrum

We all know that some of the very best audio equipment is made in Canada. Some of these legendary companies don't have service facilities in the USA, so if it breaks,like mine did, you send it back to Canada. I just experienced this: Promised about 2 weeks turn-around time, but we're going on 2 months and it's still at Customs in Canada, who are waiting to clear it, having charged me tax, duty, broker fees (FedEx) and a fourth charge for some technicality that I've forgotten. What do US purchasers feel about paying tax, duty and broker fees when they buy Canadian and then pay the same fees again to have the original repaired? Annoyed, like I am, or did you know that? And would you have bought Canadian if you knew this before-hand - like I didn't, because nobody told me. Should I have known this? Opinions, please. (I will keep the Manufacturer's name confidential while I wait for resolution)
Canada? Oh yeah- Those unfriendly neighbors to the North! I'm certainly glad that my excellent BAT, TacT, Cary, Magnepan, Nestorovic, Hafler, Kimber, Silver Audio, Synergistic Research and Wireworld products were ALL manufactured down here. The VERY isolated times that I've needed service(twice in the last ten years), it was handled with great expedience. They don't like America, I don't need anything they have to offer.

The last time I had dealings with a Canadian firm for returns & or repairs, I was told to mark the container "return for repairs" "Damaged". I experienced no duties, fees, taxes, or the like.

I'd look into that were I you.

given my return across the border, I did get hit by a change in the dollar's value from point of purchase to the point of return time frame however.

The very notion of fees taxes, and duties is the primary reason why I seldom buy from our northern neighbors. Those additions subtract from the overall value, and timelyness of the products receipt... then there too is the possiblity of service related and hence shipping incidents. Not to mention added fees even while using Paypal for international transactions, and the restrictions inherent to those sorts of dealings..

As for the "we all know... best made" aspect, I'd say that's highly debateable.

I prefer as much as is possible to keep buying from the good old USA.... first... though not religiously, or without exception. Value and service are important items in my buying decisions.

Sonic Frontiers/Anthem and I believe some other Canadian makers offer a US address in upstate NY for their returns/service related items. So no border entanglements. Their service too is exemplary. Friendly, professional, and speedy.
Rodman99999, I can only assume you're joking.
Those unfriendly neighbors to the North!

They don't like America

Otherwise I would write comments questioning your intelligence.

Regarding the original post -- that sucks! Although it looks like it might be a golden opportunity for some U.S. based electronic service firms.
As I go back and forth with customs, waiting for forms, repeatedly giving my SSN, credit card numbers, swearing at the fax machine because nothing promised arrives, I certainly make this generalised statement of advice to all US residents: Never buy any foreign-made equipment with out a (written) guarantee of an authorised USA service facility. It should be included unambiguously in the Manufacturer's warranty. The Canadians blame the US for the delays, but that is irrelevant. Aside from customs, even shipping costs and inconvenience should preclude repairs outside of the USA for any product bought here. Once bitten.
Denis, it's too late now, but FedEX has a box to check for "Repair & Return" when the shipment is created that addresses the absolute hell you're going through now. In addition to checking that whenever I was involved in these situations, I always wrote it out in great big letters so that hopefully no one would miss it.

That being said, I've had people send stuff down to me via UPS, and no matter what (the box could be in neon colors, with "REPAIR & RETURN" flashing in lights), and they ALWAYS soaked both parties.